Thursday, 31 January 2013

Possible Location

This is a bird's eye view shot, taken from the top level landing showing the full stair case and handrail. The lighting from the window is effective in casting shadows and creating contrast and mystery. The staircase is shown to be a very uninviting and dull location perfect for the urban style of our thriller.

This shot was taken from the bottom floor of the stairwell looking up to the top level and shows the continuing hand rail and unadorned walls and ceiling. This low angle shot successfully makes the staircase and doorway look menacing and threatening. I like the way in which the bars of the hand rail could be symoblic of prison bars, connoting feelings of entrapment and claustrophobia.

This shot shows the concrete, urban-looking stairs and wall. Similar to the photo above, this low angle creates a fearful, intimidatory atmosphere and enphasises the claustrophobic feeling.
The tilt angle on this shot of the middle and top levels creates a sense of confusion and makes the scene look somewhat abstract. The lack of light on the top floor creates a sense of impending fear and mystery whilst also reflecting the dark tone and atmosphere of the film. Another aspect of this loaction that I like is the contrast between the white bars of the hand rail and the cimmerian, shadowed doorway on the looming third floor.

Emphasising the feeling of entrapment, this shot is a still example of how the metal bars could be used to create this atmosphere. This shot also shows how the light can be effective in creating contrast and casting interesting shadows.
This photo shows the outside of the building, looking on to the enterance to the stairway landing. The block/enterance door has a very urban, industrial feel to it which is appropriate to the tone and style of our thriller.

The stairway landing mirrors the grey, monotonous appearance of the staircase in that it is dirty and unkept. This photo also shows how the obfuscous, mysterious character of Mr X is suitably fitting for the environment.

This aged, debilitated armchair had been dumped on the top landing of the staircase and was surrounded by degrading cigarette butts; I felt this chair would be perfect in symbolising the neglectful and obscure tone of the thriller.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Storyboard for Thriller

These are scanned images of the storyboard I created to present the plot and camera angles we plan to use within our thriller. The camera angles and shots described in my story board may not be the exact ones used in our final production as we plan to experiment with several different angles and shot types during filming and decide which work best in creating tension and portraying the tone we wish to achieve, however these included are those we initially regarded as most effective.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Possible Soundtracks

I have found 3 possible soundtracks (free of copyright restrictions) that are appropriate to the tone and atmosphere of our thriller. It must now be decided which of the three create the most desirable tone and feel.

Awkward Meeting- In my opinion, this soundtrack efficiently creates an abstruse and nightmarish atmosphere by the inclusion of the piano. This piano also suggests youth and innocence which would relate well to the young female character (the victim) and represents the despair and mourning over a young lost life.

Bent and Broken- This track works well in coordinance with the type and feel of our film due to the metallic sounds included; these sounds reflect the urban appearance/tone of the film. Although creating an urban feel, this track may also be connoted to films within the supernatural thriller genre which is not the tone we wish to portray therefore this may set the soundtrack behind regard suitability.

Red Letter- I believe this tack to be very efficient in creating an eerie, myserious atmosphere and fits well with the tone and plot of the film. This track is appropriate to the character of 'Mr X' and will present his dark, engimatic character fully.