Thursday 15 November 2012

Action Adventure vs Thriller

When analysing and reviewing film, action adventure films are commonly mistaken to be classified within the thriller genre. However, there are many distinct differences that can aid in defining the line  between the thriller and action adventure genres. 

The main difference between the thriller and action adventure genres is the target audience; as a general rule, action adventure films are aimed at a younger male audience of 12-18 year olds whereas for thriller films it is 18-30 year olds, however, still predominantly male.

Another difference between the two is that action adventure films tend to be less realistic than those within the thriller genre; in action adventures, for example the Bond films, the protagonist is able to jump from great heights and survive major explosions without injury or, for example Spiderman, are able to defy gravity and fly. Thriller films are more realistic than this in that the characters cannot survive life-threatening situations or have any super-human powers. These unrealistic scenes lead the story for action adventure films, whereas in thriller films the story is more character led and focuses more on character development rather than the action events.

Being more based on character development, films within the thriller genre tend to have more complex plots (often complex loop narratives) that have more implied suspense and require more thought compared to those within the action adventure genre. Action adventure films, as a general rule, are linear narratives that do not rely on complex and complicated story lines but are created for excitement from car chases and similar sequences.

1 comment:

  1. To strengthen you need to add another post providing specific examples/clips from thriller films which are more complex, sophisticated, darker and morally ambiguous.

    You need to post your analysis of the openings to Once Upon a Time in America, and Essex Boys onto your blog without delay.
